Friday, May 31, 2019

Mexican Drug Issues Essay -- Legal Issues, Drugs, Politics

Many problems currently plague the Central American nation of Mexico. Among the most separate of these problems is drug trafficking and production. These problems have been around for hundreds of years but not at such a severe level that is seen now. Many different things work to together to make these problems extremely sever. The misconception throughout the world is that these are to root of the causes. Despite popular sentiment these problems are not caused by individuals in Mexico rather, they are instead caused by external sources acting on and many times taking advantage of Mexico.The main cause for the current drug problems in Mexico is the way the regime is and was structured and the external influences on Mexico. Throughout history many counties have put their hand in the politics and government of Mexico. The United States and many other European nations have repeatedly set up puppet governments to make it seem like they were giving the people a say when in occurren ce they controlled the government. These so called democracies often existed just so that a foreign government could protect its own interests and business. When it came time for great amounts of political change these puppet governments slowly fell and dictatorships and unstable government resulted. Throughout the history of Mexico the United States has intervened into both political and economic actions. When Mexico had finally established a stable government they defaulted on many international loans and owed money to France. France therefore had established an invasion force and was waiting in the Gulf of Mexico, when word of this reached Washington the US sent thousands of host again into Mexico. This action destabilized an already faltering governm... ...Many solutions can be offered to solve these problems the most important is an international response. The United States and the world must agree to agnize the current problems as potentially dangerous to global stability and to US stability. Mexico cannot provide the economic or military power needed to disperse these problems. A plan must be drawn up among world leaders to provide aid to the Mexican Government. Another solution can be a global crackdown on drug use we must first destroy the demand around the world for these illegal substances and then address the weakness of the Mexican government to handle these problems in the future. These among other solution will help to stabilize Mexico. I think that the global community should realize that we all compete a role however small in creating these problems and now we should all play a role in solving them.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Beowulf vs. Harry Potter Essays -- J.K. Rowling

In countless ways Beowulf and the Harry Potter series can correlate through item themes, events, etc. In ways they contradict each other, and in some, they concur thoroughly. Through come out of the closet both the book and the series they have roughly the same key idea which is to vanquish the evil that remains in a fixed world and bring it into safety again. Each character has his individual weaknesses and powers, which are apply to their advantage during the course of the story. Beowulfs powers involve physical super strength. Harrys powers arent as much as physical strength as mental and magical powers. Both make faults in some of their actions which sometimes causes failure. Beowulf shouldnt have let his gluttony and arrogance outweigh his wit when conflict the dragon, otherwise it would probably have spared his life. Like Beowulf, on occasion, Harry thinks before he acts. His follies arent always life threatening, and they can actually turn out to be life-saving. B oth cases are a battle between good and evil that affects all. Unlike in Beowulf, not only must Harry budge evil, evil has its followers and he must work around them while Beowulf confronts only the chief of evil itself. The two must not only appointment for their lives, but they also fight for the well-being of others. Harrys fight is for safety and, in a way, he is forced into it, but he accepts it. Beowulf fights preponderantly for further glory, pride, and treasure. They each have their own army but a lot of their struggles are engaged independently and in special cases rely on their allies. Harry might be a hero, but he was born an ordinary wizard unlike Beowulf who was born into the royal family. Harry was also looked great deal upon by those who saw him ... ...character and even Beowulf when he dies. His last words seemed considerate instead of selfish. Although Harry is a hero he still has authority everywhere him because of his age, unlike Beowulf who is the s on of a king and is older. Harrys battles didnt just involve physically fighting like Beowulfs did. He had to specify weaknesses in the Dark Lord and use them against him to finally kill Voldermort after several fights. In the end of both tales good triumphs over evil and the heavy is ultimately defeated perpetually. Harry goes on to live an honorable life among his friends, but Beowulf dies a noble man for the welfare of his people giving his locoweed to someone else deserving. Even though both endings are concluded in somewhat of a sad note, they both give you a sense of consummation because of the overall victory over what used to rule the world they lived in.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

James Earl Jones: A Voice In The Crowd :: essays research papers fc

James Earl Jones A Voice in the CrowdMarch 19, 1996People any around the world know the voice of James Earl Jones. FromStar Wars fans listening to the voice of Darth Vader to news junkies who hear avoice that dramatically intones AThis is CNN just out front all the cable network=s station breaks to children who hear the stately voice of the majestic Mufasa,the king of the jungle in Walt Disney Pictures= animated The Lion poove - peopleknow this deep harmonious voice belongs to this consummate actor of stage andscreen.James Earl Jones was born January 17th, 1931, in Arkabutala Township,Mississippi. His natural parents, Ruth and Robert Earl, moved apart to theMississippi Delta when he was an infant. Raised for the rest of his young lifeby his maternal grandparents, James Earl developed a close relationship with theConnollys. AMaggie and John heat content were always there, day by day, and they becamefor me, once and for all, my mama and my papa (18) .Less than three years later, the Connollys moved to Dublin nautical milewhere James Earl and his brother= Randy grew up in a remodelled chicken barn.His early school life had a great impact on his style of speech and diction. AOnmy first day at school, I could not believe my ears, recalls Jones, ATheycalled me James Earrrrl instead of James Uhl, as it had sounded in theSouth(40). later on the initial shock of hearing Northern dialect, Jones Aquickly enwrapped this different rhythm and style and embarked on the first half of along vocal journey leading to his distinctive speaking style. Until he was 14years old, James Earl Jones rarely spoke mostly due to shyness, preferringsilence to the sound of his own voice.Around the age of 10, James Earl Jones witnessed his brother, Randy,having an epileptic seizure. His grandmother utilize the only remedy she knew -a thimbleful of bluing dye - and told James Earl to run for help. Aftertravelling a mile through a Michigan blizzard and recalling the sight of hisbrother on the floor with Ablue liquid spilled out of his mouth, Jones= epicbattle with stuttering began. At a local store, Jones panicked and couldn=tspeak. After a time, he Afinally calmed down and the words came. The doctor wascalled. Randy recovered. But the stuttering - that stayed.(42)The same year his brother almost died, Jones was sexually assaulted bythe minister of a church he attended. The incident scarred him for life. Jonesrecalls, AI was afraid and very confused.

Modernization Vs. Dependency Theory Essay -- Political Science

LDC Advisement Modernization Theory vs Dependency TheoryThe path to modernization is one never clearly defined. The following report will test to analyze and critique our nations potential options concerning social and fiscal indemnity and use this information in an attempt to recommend future policy agenda. We will be issueing with primarily two theories on national (i.e. LDC) policy - modernization theory and dependency theory. Both have their declare sets of cost and benefits as well as they do policy approaches. But before we go further, we must compare the two in attempt to see if both would compromise our governments mandate.Currently our nation has found itself at a crossroads between the progress the western world has to offer and our own historical values and cultural integrity. We have various entities prodding us toward opposite ends of the spectrum. Our foreign investors wish only for further industrialization and perhaps policy-making stability to further their own aims opus certain conservative elements at home fear we our losing our cultural identity. A modernist approach would align itself with that of our foreign investors and MNCs operating within our country. The theory claims that our society suffers from being traditional in so far as that we sacrifice economic and industrial progress by placing too great a focus on our cultural heritage (which largely includes religious ideals). The theory goes on to state that in order to evolve we must make further efforts to secularize our governmental processes and as have many western-industrialized nations separate church and state to as great a deal as possible. While such an approach may satisfy foreign monetary interests we run a very real risk of a semipolitical backlash due to this cultural-imperialism of the west. If this backlash were to lead to internal instability we may not only scare off potential foreign investments but also compromise our own legitimacy to rule. This may effect ively place our state in a worse position than with which we began The approach of the dependencistas however would go away for much greater cultural preservation though it is an approach not as much favored by the western powers-that-be. Dependency theory supports the belief that the western world wishes to impose its customs/ideals/etc. upon all - regardless of the cult... ...e recommendation entails as follows The country needs to set both short and semipermanent goals for itself, each based on a specific theory of development. In the near future we need to ensure internal political stability while adopting a modernization approach to development. Groups that may present opposition to any resulting cultural changes need to be dealt with in some way - preferably a peaceful way, as we make our country more attractive to western investment. As more revenue/educational-opportunity/technological-exposure/etc. becomes available we should begin reinvesting in the bag of our nation v ia ISI. The increased capital and knowledge we will have gained as the result of cooperation with the west should allow us to be much more competitory in the international marketplace. Specialization in a high-tech field could help us see further autonomy in the international realm. Education, goal-setting, and political stability will all be of top priority if our development plans wish to have a chance of succeeding. If we can maintain focus in our policy, we should be able to achieve much greater levels of development with only minimal cultural disintegration.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Teaching Careers Education Essays

Educational Goals and Philosophy When I first came to Concord, there was no doubt that teaching would be my major. I have always been so inspired by instructors and thought that they put a lot of effort into their work. I can remember the teachers that actually reached me and touched my heart. Ill never forget them or the experience. It is so amazing how many lives a teacher must touch. A teacher has the power to reach out and make learning a memorable experience for every child. My main goal is to be a kindergarten or modified education teacher. I love working with young children that dont pick up on things as quickly as the others. I love to watch their eye light up whenever I help them realize that they can do it, too. Throughout my years of teaching, I hope to be a friend to these children. I want their first year of school to be a memorable one. Im hoping that they will enjoy being in my class. The children in my classroom that are rump will have me working my hardest to help them catch up. It is a known fact that when young children fall behind in the early years of school, they never catch back up with their peers. That breaks my heart. Every child deserves a fair chance. Each of these students have a variety of background knowledge. Some might non have any because their parents dont work with them. Others might have parents that work with them every night. A teacher has to consider these factors when assessing their ability. The ability and actual knowledge might non balance out. I want the nature of my students to be open-minded and willing to take a chance to learn new things. This involves sureness. My students will have to trust me. Whenever I give assignments they dont quite understand, I want them to feel comfortable coming to me for help. I want them to know that no matter what the problem is, I will be there. I dont want to be so intimidating that they feel afraid to ask me for help. A teachers job is to me a mentor, but in any case a friend.

Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Teaching Careers Education Essays

Educational Goals and Philosophy When I first came to Concord, there was no doubt that teaching would be my major. I have always been so inspired by instructors and thought that they put a lot of effort into their work. I can remember the teachers that actually reached me and touched my heart. Ill never forget them or the experience. It is so amazing how many lives a teacher must touch. A teacher has the power to reach out and make learning a memorable experience for every child. My main goal is to be a kindergarten or supernumerary education teacher. I love working with young children that dont pick up on things as quickly as the others. I love to watch their eye light up whenever I help them realize that they can do it, too. Throughout my years of teaching, I hope to be a friend to these children. I want their first year of school to be a memorable one. Im hoping that they will enjoy being in my class. The children in my classroom that are back will have me wo rking my hardest to help them catch up. It is a known fact that when young children fall behind in the early years of school, they never catch back up with their peers. That breaks my heart. Every child deserves a fair chance. Each of these students have a variety of background knowledge. Some might non have any because their parents dont work with them. Others might have parents that work with them every night. A teacher has to consider these factors when assessing their ability. The ability and actual knowledge might not balance out. I want the nature of my students to be open-minded and willing to take a chance to learn new things. This involves go for. My students will have to trust me. Whenever I give assignments they dont quite understand, I want them to feel comfortable coming to me for help. I want them to know that no matter what the problem is, I will be there. I dont want to be so intimidating that they feel afraid to ask me for help. A teachers job is to me a mentor, but as well a friend.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Gender Equality Essay

Paying much than attention to the deflections between boys and misss, or workforce and women, starts getting nation to spend a penny earthly concerny ideas about them. The question remains whether we should ignore them or not. I dont blame the family in the rural Canada for making the girl feel like shes nothing more than just a girl, because simply these people at that place could be ignorant. There is a difference of dividing line between men and women, but not that wiz is inferior to the other, rather as equal but distinct beings. Right before writing my suasion about boys and girls, I asked my dad whether he though there was a difference, and that maybe a girl is a girl because of influence and experience. He told me how he used to take my sister and me to ToysrUs when we were small. He would bring us to what he thought were the cool toys such as mechanical gadgets and how we wouldnt even look at them and directly walk off like zombies to the Barbie section.This expla ins how maybe it is in our genes, which bring off a kind of barrier, a difference between a boy, and a girl. Now maybe feminists take it a little to the extreme about female rights, but isnt that because people (mostly men) have taken the difference between boys and girls to an extent where they forget about equality and what woman are really capable of doing? I still believe that there are many ways of stereotyping men and women these days, even as distinct as they were in the rural Canada in the selection. It is possible, but I believe the more educated we are, the less we get out care about whether we are a man or a woman. In some countries, it is the communities traditions which still give to men more rights and privileges than to women. This is mostly because people in those areas are not yet socially evolved to the Western level. For example, in Saudi Arabia woman wont dare drive or express their ideas of whats really unfair or unethical to them or not. We need to stop buyin g into the myth about gender equality.It isnt a reality yet. Today, women make up half of the U.S. workforce, but the average working woman earns only 77 percent of what the average working man makes. But unless women and men both say this is unacceptable, things will not change. Men have to demand that their wives, daughters, mothers and sisters earn morecommensurate with their qualifications and not their gender. Equality will be achieved when men and women are granted equal pay and equal respect. Humanity requires both men and women, and we are equally important and need one another. So why are we viewed as less than equal?These old attitudes are drilled into us from the very beginning. We have to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up, gender equality becomes a natural way of life. And we have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible. We have a lot of work to do, but we can get there if we work together. Women are more than 50 percent of the population and more than 50 percent of the voters. We must demand that we all receive 100 percent of the opportunities.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Research Paper On Gun Control

There is a old saying that guns dont kill pile, people kill people. This Is a known saying that comes out all the time when this communication pops up. The media portrays gun control in a positive light, they believe that this is something that would work believe that gun control will neer work and giving people guns to protect themselves and taking guns from people the public judges or deems unfit is a terrible Idea.It Is unsafe, and also endangering peoples lives and Is unfair, plus It Is oing against the second amendment which many have died to protect. The obligate (We Need More Gun control, whether You Know It or Not) Is an pro-gun article that explains how most americans think you need a background check and go by all these test to be able to buy a gun, but such laws dont exist. First thing that concerns me with this article Is the how he acquired the stats and comments he obtained.Most of them atomic number 18 only from a small group consensus and was not open up to the public to thus meaning that it is only one sided and not taking an assent from thers sides ot this topic. The second bit ot information that was about this article was that he has no ethos and have no real credited sources of his information. An find out I found on the web from (accessories. com) was an perfect example for gun rights. This pictures describes that George Bush is saying Free People Ought To Be Armed.This picture basically saying that George Bush a person that fought for the rights of people Is saying that they should be dble to keep their guns. I Agree with statement the government now is trying to take away guns from people and depart uns to untrained people who would hurt themselves and kill someone on accident Ilke a kid with a gun. On the website (Twitter. com) there is an anti-gun control picture. This picture is saying that a man named Joe Salazar Is being claimed an Idlot because he states that college women should not have guns because women fearing rape ma y pop a round at someone.I tote up with this statement. Having untrained women and some men carrying weapons will endanger people around them, the said so person, and his/her self. This is a terrible compromise to having people protected and putt in pro gun ontrol laws which end up benefiting no one In the end of It all. l guess Dy nature, Im a oestructlve one Ana trutn De told, tne saTety was never on. So warning bells should have rung when I was trained wrong. For you knew I was the trigger happy and sought.Im thinking goodbye would have been for the best Instead. But now I found you dead, with my bullets in your chest. A tragedy like this could be avoided if people where to realize that gun control is a terrible idea for the peoples safety and of necessity to be thinked over. Yes, there will be death cause by insane eople Just unloading rounds into people but thats not a guns smirch is it the persons who is pulling the trigger that needs to be blamed.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Teaching/training cycle

Teaching should be a learning experience for both the teacher and the students we never stop learning, whether it is the unconscious referral to past experiences that prevents us taking a wrong turn down a well trodden path or a conscious decision to learn a rising skill. As teachers it is our role to ease assimilators through the process of learning, Coffield, F (2008) incites this by stating that tenet and learning atomic number 18 not separate activities but intertwined elements of a recur sided, interactive process which is enabled by the understanding and implementation of the key stages of the teaching/training cycle.The 5 Key Stages are recognise needs, Planning and design, tar, Assess & Evaluate. Identify needs big(a) learners bring a wide range of abilities, skills and life experiences to the classroom and these can influence the way they learn. It is a crucial responsibility of the teacher to ensure that learning needs are identified in order that delivery can be p lanned or adjusted to meet these needs. When delivering short, legislative courses, identification of needs is not incessantly achieved prior to commencement of delivery for many reasons.In some cases enrolment is completed by employers who may not be aware of learners literacy, numeracy or special needs, (e. g. dyslexia) some learners may have had previous bad experiences of learning but require the qualification to do their received job, or employees may just have been sent by their employer so may bring a negative attitude. It is the teachers role to bring up any issues as early as possible and to implement delivery and support strategies ensuring learner needs are met throughout the delivery, at the same term respecting learners rights to confidentiality.Planning & Design It is the responsibility of the teacher to plan and design the course to meet the needs of the learners and the awarding body. Occupation specific courses have very prescriptive learning outcomes, aims and objectives so it may be suggested that the teacher has little involvement in course planning or development. As supported by Armitage et al (2003) even highly prescribed courses still let some freedom to interpret, resource and emphasise the various course elements in our own way.Every concourse of learners is different with a wide variety of learning needs and although the base design of the course remains the same each course delivered is adapted with variable resources, exercises, and anecdotes drawn from working experience. Many of these adaptations are made on the hoof in response to the limited learner knowledge prior to commencement of delivery. Delivery The teacher is wholly creditworthy for delivery of the learning programme to achieve identified aims and objectives whilst meeting individual learner needs.Delivery should incorporate differentiation to allow for individual learning goals and expectations, competence levels and speed of progress and there should be a varie ty of learning methods utilised, while the pace of learning should be wide-ranging to maintain interest and concentration. Teaching should allow for different learning styles, such as VARK learning models & learning styles identified by Honey & Mumford, active learners should alike be encouraged.Responsibility for the safety of the learners lies with the teacher, from both the physical and emotional viewpoint who should ensure that no learners are being discriminated against by themselves, other learners or the administration as a whole. When delivering occupational training in the workplace an enhanced level of professionalism may be applicable to standards of dress and conduct, the teacher is also responsible for ensuring these standards are met. AssessIt is the teachers responsibility to ensure that learners are progressing and achieving throughout the course through a variety of methods of formative assessment. Methods of assessment must be relate to the course delivery and l earning objectives supported by a clear idea of what students are setting out to learn and how far down the wrinkle they are to mastering that learning, as they progress through the course, this theory is well supported particularly by Minton (2003). The teacher is responsible for roviding timely feedback on learner progress which should be clear, concise and include both positive and developmental comments for learners to focus on. On legislative training courses summative assessment, is carried out in relentless adherence to the requirements of the awarding body, however it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that all learners are aware of the format and assessment requirements and are provided with any agreed support to ensure equality of opportunity. EvaluateThe teacher carries the responsibility for evaluating the effectiveness of the teaching and learning of sessions and the course as a whole. Evaluations should cover content, resources used or needed, teaching me thods and learner satisfaction. On legislative training courses, where each session makes up a module of the whole days course delivery, it is not always feasible to carry out a formal session evaluation however each course is evaluated in depth to ensure that strengths and areas of improvement are identified for future delivery.Learner evaluations and achievement provide useful feedback on course content, whether learners achieved their individual aims and objectives and whether they believe their learning has helped them in their working role, which is invaluable training when delivering occupational courses, however any changes to delivery must be tempered with any employees needs, as identified in the first stage of the cycle, and requirements of the awarding body.Adult learners already hold diverse life experiences when they arrive to learn. It is the role of the teacher to ensure that their needs are identified & met through planned provision and delivered in a professional m anner on order that they can achieve to the best of their abilities and ensure that they are happy with their learning experience.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Race-Ethnicity and Diagnosis as Predictors Essay

The purpose of this article was to understand and examine the consider of outpatients for patients with center abuse or mental health problem. The tuition was collected from 12 outpatient mental health and substance abuse facilities in four U. S. Census Regions. The authors put forward three hypotheses that guided the way that they give approach the enquiry problem. The first hypothesis was by keeping all social-demographic information constant e. g. , sex and age, the condition of non-Latino blacks and Latinos was worse when compared with non-Latino whites. The second hypothesis was that the patients with ternary medical conditions e.g. mental problems and substance use disorders could be expected to project the infirmary more times when compared with patients with single medical condition. Lastly, the third hypothesis was that the number of non-Latino blacks and Latinos would keep visited the hospital less frequently when compared to non-Latino whites. The target populatio n was outpatients in the United States. The schooling sample of 1,899 patients with mental health and substance abuse problems was obtained from 12 outpatient mental health or substance abuse treatment centers within a period of two months (May 2001 June 2002).Out of this number, diagnoses for 1807 patients were obtained from the medical facilities. Patients who had substance and psychiatric problems were include in the bring factoring the racial-ethnicity criterion non-Latino black, Latino and non-Latino whites. The response rate of the study was 95. 26%. This rate of success may be attributed to the fact that information was retrieved from health facilities databases. Nevertheless, specifying that the sample come from altogether health facilities reduces the relevance of the study because on that point are patients with medical and substance abuse problems and they do not visit the health facilities.External validity plays a crucial role in defining the extent of success of the project. Some information and data were missing and thereof the authors had to approximate the missing data utilizing technological capabilities. However, since the data was obtained from both the public and private medical facilities indicates that all social class population was factored into the consideration. The data that were utilize were obtained from records that the medical facilities keep hence, the data was specific and applicable in solving the hypotheses.This means that the sampling plan was appropriate to around extent (because they analyzed hospital records and not analyzing the entire community) for analyzing the effect of substance abuse and psychiatric problems. Nevertheless, the sample was not fully representative of the entire population because the sample was only picked from only 12 health facilities. Some people with psychiatric problems and substance abuse do not visit medical facilities. In the case of substance abuse, the authors could have picked ad ditional sample from counseling and other corrective facilities such as jails.The type of study was descriptive because it tries to show the link that exists between race-ethnicity and medical conditions mental health and substance abuse. The main threats to external validity are the extent of analysis and acquisition of the sample. The data of 92 patients was missing. However, through calculations and approximations these data was obtained, which to some spread jeopardize validity of the research. The study shows that there is some racial and ethnicity difference in substance abuse and psychiatric problems in population of non-Latino black, non-Latino white and Latinos.The study should have extended to other population type such as Hispanics and African-Americans to understand the real extent of mental conditions and substance abuse to the entire population. The supreme variables were the group of the targeted population e. g. Non-Latinos white, non-Latino black and Latinos. The dependent variables are the medical conditions that were being analyzed e. g. substance abuse and psychiatric conditions. The intervening variables are the link and kind that exists between the medical conditions and patients who accessed the medical facility.The authors were able to balance and analyze dependent, independent and intervening variables in achieving the goals of the study. The authors collected the data from outpatient facilities in twelve medical facilities. The data was obtained from the hospital databases and other recordings. Moreover, additional data was obtained through approximation of missing sample data. The authors were able to visit both public and private facilities to ensure for some external credibility. This strategy ensured that specific data was utilized in the study. Obtaining the data from medical facilities increased its validity and reliability.However, the approximation of the missing data was the main failing and specifying the population that is analyzed e. g. obtaining data from medical facilities rather than obtaining additional data from other agencies. The data that was obtained was grouped into six parts utilizing the BASIS-24 domains with the help of PROC MI in obtaining the missing data. The authors obtained diagnosis for 1,807 patients out of the 1,899 patients. From the analysis, the authors found out that Latino and Non-Latino black patients reported worse symptoms of substance use disorders and psychiatric disorders when compared with non-Latino white.The authors found out that there was no relation between race-ethnicity with medical conditions. The study also showed that Latinos reported greater emotional liability, self-harm symptoms and interpersonal functioning compared with non-Latino blacks and non-Latino whites. Additionally, the study found out that self-harm symptoms were greater in non-Latino black when compared with non-Latino whites. The unique difference that existed between the Latinos and non- Latino blacks is that the severity of substance use disorders in non-Latino blacks is greater than that of the Latino.The authors found that the relationship that exists among the three populations types was depressive symptoms and their (population) functioning capabilities. The findings of the study differed with evidence that indicates lower rates of mental health problems between the Latino and non-Latino black populations in the treatment of substance abuse. The authors have clearly explained potences and shortcomings that may occur. The strength of the methodology was the ability of the authors to pick specific data in hospitals and utilizing it to understand the medical condition of the population.The methodology that was utilized had various weaknesses, especially in assemblage the data and analyzing it. The population that was utilized did not define the entire population because the authors utilized medical records. They could have incorporated other institutions in unde rstanding substance abuse and psychiatric conditions. Moreover, they obtained some missing data through utilization of technological machines. This increase chances of errors in the final analysis. The authors were able to compare their findings with previous research and the conclusion indicates the entire study has achieved its goals.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

ACME and Omega case study Essay

1. Using the mechanistic and organic complex body part arguments develop in Chapter 2, contrast and contrast the management flairs at height and Omega. natural elevations managerial style consists of a mechanistic structure, while Omegas managerial style is based on an organic structure. Acmes vertical differentiation, which consists of four levels of control, constitutes the dispersion of authority between the organizational hierarchy levels and gears to spend a penny the organization lots control over its projects and activities. Acme is extremely centralized, managers of the heyday of the hierarchy have all the power to make most of the decisions for the company, and subordinates ar expected to follow orders. Although, I think that Acme has established a high level of standardization and formalization, they experienced difficulty abiding to their own rules. Employees at Acme exercise respective(prenominal) specialization, where employees specialize in one specific area and work individually.2. On the other hand, Omega is a decentralized organization,they appointed new president in that post. where managers and subordinates delegate important decisions about new organizational projects. Omegas management believes in mutual adjustment, which is the practice of using judgment on enigma solving and also creates an informal air of communicating with each other rather that using standardization or written rules. Joint specialization at Omega gives their employees and opportunity to work in teams and balance their actions to find the most effective and efficient way of accomplishing an assignment. Omegas organic structure gives the employees to a greater extent flexibility to innovative thinking, and creates a unity within the organization, where managers and employees share their knowledge and skills to achieve optimal performance.3. Which firm should have won the final contract Acme or Omega? Discuss. The paradoxical twins describes two organization s, Acme and Omega Electronics that are competing for the same contract for manufacturing a memory unit to be use in a photocopier. Omega, having an organic structure, wins the race because they are able to produce higher quality memory unit. On the other hand, Acme having mechanistic structure seems less competent and less reliable because of its low quality memory unit which they are unable to produce in time and some of its prototypes pall to work. Omega even corrects a design error in the original blueprint, whichimproves product quality. But, both the company is given half the order, and they were encouraged to find the way to reduce the be and Acme takes advantage of this opportunity to experiment to find ways to reduce its costs, whereas Omega does not. Finally Acme discovers the way to reduce the cost by 20% and they own the contract.Omega may have won the battle, but Acme has won the war because its mechanistic structure fosters a colligate for technical efficiency and co st reduction in what is a routine manufacturing environment. In this particular case, Acme decides to run a tight ship (mechanistic structure) in order to increase productivity and efficiency, and to decrease costs. The advantage of this strategy is that they can undersell their competition (Omega) by selling at a lower cost. Omega, on the other hand, is nearly too opposite. They run a more organic structure, which relies heavily upon communication, delegation and teamwork.This strategy allows Omega to effectively compete with Acme by stressing reliability and by placing emphasis on quality. Omegas decentralized, organic approach allowed for the building of prototypes 10 days faster than Acme, correction of errors, and a highly reliable prototypemuch more reliable than Acmes, which had a 10 percent failure rate. Omega was more effective when evaluated by these criteria, although Acmes prices were lower than Omegas because of that Acme won the competition and which was fair result in my opinion. Its mechanistic structure provided it with the management system and incentives unavoidable to improve and reduce its manufacturing process, so that Acme won the final race over Omega.4. What changes would you recommend to Acme and Omega if they are to survive in the prox in this increasingly competitive industry?I wish to modify their organizational design. I think that in order for these two companies to survive they contract to have a combination of organic and mechanistic structure. Once they do this change they will create a bring out organizational culture, which is the set of share values and norms that controls organizational members interactions with each other . Although, Omegas employees are working together, I think they have too much freedom. Therefore, I think that Omegas management postulate to be more formalize. Acmes management are hightec pressure, they dont give enough flexibilityto their employees. This is affecting Acme because there are missi ng some of the new ideas that their employees may have, and they are also forcing their workers to do the work which the top mangment as instructed. A combination of organic and mechanistic structure would give them better control and coordination of their employees and it will also motivate them and inspire a better behavior.Another recommendation for Acme Corporation would be to balance differentiation and integration For these two companies to survive and be successful I recommend that if they are going to combine organic and mechanistic structures then they should have a balance between centralization and decentralization. I think that all decision make shouldnt be left entirely to employees or to management, rather it should be in between. Finally, these two companies should have a mixture of standardization and mutual understanding. sometimes having too much of each may create an problem in corporate culture, therefore I would recommend to use a combination. Management needs pay close attention to make sure that their organizational design fits with the corporate culture and the organizational environment that they are trying to create.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

In what way did post war prosperity bring social change to Britain 1951-1964?

?In what way did post struggle successfulness bring well-disposed change to Britain 1951-1964? Britain as a republic in the twelvemonth 1951 stood as a country widely effected by the Second World War and the country reflected apparent damage which the war had caused. M all young men were on the National Service, rationing was only just coming to an end and also affectionate sp skillfulliness in Britain felt like it was in the past.However just about felt that the year 1951 was a year of change, they felt as if they were on the way to a juvenile modern world which presented technological and social progress, Children who were born(p) during the baby boom were born into a different society to which their parents grew up in. Leading up to the year 1964 there were many social tensitys, changes in placements and square shifts i population which can identify how Britains society had changed dramatically.After 1951 you could say Britain experienced a demographic change . Birth rates ran consistently against demolition rates, an explanation for this could be the advances in medical treatments which improved under the influence of the welfare state this wherefore direct to an emergence standard of nutrition and hygiene.Another occurrenceor which could contribute to the demographic change was the increase of inward migration , in the year 1948 around 250,000 immigrants arrived in Britain from the westward Indies Particularly those from the common wealth had become a vital part of British society, and in the process, transformed important aspects of British life although it all the sametually led to overpopulation, and immigration caused racial tenseness and sequestration for compositors case the Nottingham riots.Britain encouraged immigrants to come to the mother land to help recover from the ravages of war however this caused racial tension between the immigrants and the British, the tension was to a greater extent apparent as the lack of housing became a problem as did the competition for jobs. The increase of immigrants led to less scopes for jobs as did the fact plurality were living longer collectible to the up and running free service of the NHS which many felt immigrants didnt deserve. Many British the great unwashed that had a skill in a proper(postnominal) trade were forced to take up trades that required no skill at all which anger them .Due to immigration, discrimination in jobs was open, for eccentric shop keepers typeset a sign up saying what kind of workers they were looking for, and this gave many British people the vantage of the immigrants as a confidence trick to grade the country ascribable to being imperial. Excluded from much of the social and economic life the immigrants began to adjust the institutions they had brought with them, for example their churches and the fact they had a British training which meant that the political sympathies gave them the right to follow their own traditions and r educed the challenges of schooling.However this also increased segregation between the immigrants and those who opposed, conflict and discrimination was genuinely common, it became easier to credit peoples origins and social solid ground from their dress scene and accents. The government werent prepared for the reaction of the public immigration would cause regarding the sorrowfulness of being restricted in the job market, they therefore introduced the immigration act which stopped immigrant wanting to come into the country although if left-hand(a) the ones already in Britain whole tone very isolated and betrayed which sparked their rebellion.The conservative government had traditionalistic views upon empire and they were objective to change which socially changed the views of the public and changed the country into a closed racist country portraying how uneducated Britain was at the cartridge holder and how post war prosperity wasnt the only thing that sculpted social chan ge in Britain . On the other hand there was also a strong cadence of outward migration. Australia was appealing to British citizens as it had many jobs and a good amount of housing available.Affluence began to become more than apparent in every layer, which meant people were becoming a lot wealthier due to the rise in wages. However this manoeuvre to competition regarding jobs and housing and even schooling due to people having more money to spend. This created a more distinctive overview between classes meaning that people could recognise immediately what class you belonged to and what your origins and social background was. The class spilt became more evident through with(predicate)out the schooling system.Schooling during 1951-64 was a major social problem due to the mental strain on pupils had to pass their 11+ in order to achieve a better education by their parents as they wanted to avoid the social shame. The technical and grammar schools only took the most capable stude nts which left the working class children with very basic education as they couldnt afford any private tuition and often werent capable at the age of 11 to enter the grammar schools although after a few years they were ready to undergo more strenuous studying but by this time it was too late.The natural progression was from the most private boarding schools, to the most prestigious colleges at Oxford or Cambridge and thence into positions of power and influence this in wind led to the working class feeling discriminated. Eden for example went to Eton and Oxford and found himself in the prime ministers position. It was light(a) by this time to distinguish peoples class and social background from their dress sense and their accents, which demonstrates the growing social tensions including immigration and violence.Post war prosperity brought along social change in education due to the shift in attitude and the ideal that the government wanted to compete with other countries. The gov ernment wanted the best education for the new coevals so they can go into better jobs in order to boost the economy in the future. alone during the conservative government there wasnt any change regrinding the removal of social tension until Labour secured dominance in 1964 issuing the Education behave which introduced middle schools (which eliminated the 11+).The media influenced views on society that escalated tension and competition between classes, the class system split became more distinctive because of this. This was seen throughout various films such as Saturday night and Sunday Morning, gargantuan hit in the 1960s, it portrayed the alienation of young working class males. The influence of the media led to segregation as many films portrayed the racial tension, for example the theme of the film Sapphire (1959).The media opened the way for a more individualist and less conforming society, for example the Profumo affair the girl on the violate side of the tracks. This re sulted in people, especially the younger generation, becoming less willing to follow the lead situated by the British establishment. The newspapers also influenced the things that people began to believe in, they exaggerated stories and made things out to be worse than they actually were which resulted in the society construction their views on lies causing tension between classes and even new trend groups like the Teddy Boys.Due to the more rebellious attitudes there was a sharp increase of crime rates and violence due to the phylogenesis of a more liberal attitude obtained by youths. Examples of the increase in crime can be seen via the Mods and Rockers who used the influence of music to elapse them a drive into developing a liberal attitude and their views sometimes sparked violence with other groups seen through the Bristol brawl. Gang violence was chillingly portrayed in Antony burghers 1962 novel, A Clockwork orange.However, the war brought opportunities to allow society to modernise in terms of attitude and social change although it was mainly due to the breathing out of dominance from the government. The governments weaknesses were exposed via the media, the television portrayed satire, which led many people to gain a more liberal attitudes, which demonstrates that it wasnt just post war prosperity that brought social change to Britain.In what way did post war prosperity bring social change to Britain 1951-1964?In what way did post war prosperity bring social change to Britain 1951-1964? Britain as a country in the year 1951 stood as a country widely effected by the Second World War and the country reflected visible damage which the war had caused. Many young men were on the National Service, rationing was only just coming to an end and also social life in Britain felt like it was in the past.However some felt that the year 1951 was a year of change, they felt as if they were on the way to a new modern world which presented technological and social progress, Children who were born during the baby boom were born into a different society to which their parents grew up in. Leading up to the year 1964 there were many social tensions, changes in attitudes and significant shifts i population which can identify how Britains society had changed dramatically.After 1951 you could say Britain experienced a demographic change . Birth rates ran consistently against death rates, an explanation for this could be the advances in medical treatments which improved under the influence of the welfare state this then led to an increase standard of nutrition and hygiene.Another means which could contribute to the demographic change was the increase of inward migration , in the year 1948 around 250,000 immigrants arrived in Britain from the West Indies Particularly those from the common wealth had become a vital part of British society, and in the process, transformed important aspects of British life although it eventually led to overpopulation, and immigration caused racial tension and segregation for example the Nottingham riots.Britain encouraged immigrants to come to the mother land to help recover from the ravages of war however this caused racial tension between the immigrants and the British, the tension was more apparent as the lack of housing became a problem as did the competition for jobs. The increase of immigrants led to less scopes for jobs as did the fact people were living longer due to the up and running free service of the NHS which many felt immigrants didnt deserve. Many British people that had a skill in a specific trade were forced to take up trades that required no skill at all which angered them.Due to immigration, discrimination in jobs was open, for example shop keepers put a sign up saying what kind of workers they were looking for, and this gave many British people the advantage of the immigrants as a confidence trick to govern the country due to being imperial. Excluded from much of the social a nd economic life the immigrants began to adjust the institutions they had brought with them, for example their churches and the fact they had a British education which meant that the government gave them the right to follow their own traditions and reduced the challenges of schooling.However this also increased segregation between the immigrants and those who opposed, conflict and discrimination was very common, it became easier to recognise peoples origins and social background from their dress scene and accents. The government werent prepared for the reaction of the public immigration would cause regarding the unhappiness of being restricted in the job market, they then introduced the immigration act which stopped immigrant wanting to come into the country although if left the ones already in Britain feeling very isolated and betrayed which sparked their rebellion.The conservative government had traditional views upon empire and they were objective to change which socially changed the views of the public and changed the country into a closed racist country portraying how uneducated Britain was at the time and how post war prosperity wasnt the only thing that sculpted social change in Britain . On the other hand there was also a strong amount of outward migration. Australia was appealing to British citizens as it had many jobs and a good amount of housing available.Affluence began to become more apparent in every class, which meant people were becoming a lot wealthier due to the rise in wages. However this lead to competition regarding jobs and housing and even schooling due to people having more money to spend. This created a more distinctive overview between classes meaning that people could recognise immediately what class you belonged to and what your origins and social background was. The class spilt became more evident throughout the schooling system.Schooling during 1951-64 was a major social problem due to the psychological strain on pupils had to pas s their 11+ in order to achieve a better education by their parents as they wanted to avoid the social shame. The technical and grammar schools only took the most capable students which left the working class children with very basic education as they couldnt afford any private tuition and often werent capable at the age of 11 to enter the grammar schools although after a few years they were ready to undergo more strenuous studying but by this time it was too late.The natural progression was from the most private boarding schools, to the most prestigious colleges at Oxford or Cambridge and thence into positions of power and influence this in turn led to the working class feeling discriminated. Eden for example went to Eton and Oxford and found himself in the prime ministers position. It was easy by this time to distinguish peoples class and social background from their dress sense and their accents, which demonstrates the growing social tensions including immigration and violence.Po st war prosperity brought along social change in education due to the shift in attitude and the ideal that the government wanted to compete with other countries. The government wanted the best education for the new generation so they can go into better jobs in order to boost the economy in the future. But during the conservative government there wasnt any change regrinding the removal of social tension until Labour secured dominance in 1964 issuing the Education Act which introduced middle schools (which eliminated the 11+).The media influenced views on society that escalated tension and competition between classes, the class system split became more distinctive because of this. This was seen throughout various films such as Saturday night and Sunday Morning, big hit in the 1960s, it portrayed the alienation of young working class males. The influence of the media led to segregation as many films portrayed the racial tension, for example the theme of the film Sapphire (1959).The med ia opened the way for a more individualist and less conformist society, for example the Profumo affair the girl on the wrong side of the tracks. This resulted in people, especially the younger generation, becoming less willing to follow the lead set by the British establishment. The newspapers also influenced the things that people began to believe in, they exaggerated stories and made things out to be worse than they actually were which resulted in the society building their views on lies causing tension between classes and even new trend groups like the Teddy Boys.Due to the more rebellious attitudes there was a sharp increase of crime rates and violence due to the development of a more liberal attitude obtained by youths. Examples of the increase in crime can be seen via the Mods and Rockers who used the influence of music to give them a drive into developing a liberal attitude and their views sometimes sparked violence with other groups seen through the Bristol brawl. Gang viole nce was chillingly portrayed in Antony Burgesss 1962 novel, A Clockwork orange.However, the war brought opportunities to allow society to modernise in terms of attitude and social change although it was mainly due to the loss of dominance from the government. The governments weaknesses were exposed via the media, the television portrayed satire, which led many people to gain a more liberal attitudes, which demonstrates that it wasnt just post war prosperity that brought social change to Britain.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Implication of globalisation on social policy Essay

It is now difficult to read a newspaper or a book, watch the television, surf the Internet, or participate in a demonstration without coming crosswise references to how sphericization is affecting our lives. One of the crucial ch tout ensembleenges facing many developing and transitional economies is balancing the benefits of globalisation with the risks and costs. accord to Sheila L (2004) Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world be unified into a single society. This process is a combination of economicalal, technological, sociocultural and political forcesGlobalisation is a complex phenomenon, with economic, political and cultural dimensions.At the centre are economic pressures stemming from trade liberalization and increased international competition driven by technological change and yield of the knowledge economy. But political globalisation as reflected in regional groupings, American power, and the influence of global institution s such as the OECD and the IMF may in like manner compromise the self-determination of individual countries. According to Giddens (2001) at that place are also powerful influences that stem from a cultural globalisation of ideas and values. Thus the process of globalization results in the dissemination and transfusion of ideas that attain significant global social policy currency. Individual countries can both(prenominal) contribute to and be influenced by this process .Effect of globalizationGlobalization has variety of effects, that are influencing roughly every aspect of life, macrocosm, as well as economic, industrial, financial, social area. Increase of globalization can be seen on T sufficient1. In most of the countries given in example, that measure doubled or, as in causa of Czech Republic, even tripled.Basing on Wikipedia division, I would like to highlight economic effect of globalization, that seen in sociological context, increased economic inequality finishedout the world and within the United States. Globalization since 1980 has also raised the inequality amidst nations and peoples, and cemented the polarization of the world into rich and poor nations. Increased competition that induces changes in take in an economy will lead to better allocation of resources, great efficiency and productivity. However, even if there is net benefit from globalization for the whole economy, whatsoever groups and sectors will lose. The net benefits are not dual-lane equally amongst the population and globalization can increase inequities to the extent that certain groups, sectors or regions, are able to participate and grow much faster than other groups, sectors or regions within a country. Therefore, whilst the benefits of globalization are generally accepted, the jury is still out on assessing the social impact arising from globalization and more significantly how to best manage the risks and costs in order to maximize the net benefit for all concer ned. electric shock of globalization on social policiesNowadays all countries are exposed to economic pressures from globalization that has had implications for social policy. chart 1 show how tender Globalization has developed over time measured by the average out of the individual country indices.There are numerous arguments regarding how globalization aggravates social problems, darn at the akin time weakening states ability to address them. Expansion of globalization, and the preoccupation with business interests and national economic conflict inherent to it, is said to erode democracy itself by depriving voters the opportunity to get their governments to provide social protection. Thus, globalization both increases market-based inequalities through increased labor-market inequality and also places pressure on the capacitor of governments to ameliorate them throughtax policy and transfer payments and services.They have also employed greater targeting of benefits and encou raged the expansion of clubby insurance against labor market risks. Health and other social service programmers have been subject to work out caps, user co-payments, internal markets and other efficiency-oriented reforms. Continuing high levels of social expenditure and considerable differences in levels of leanness and inequality provide arrest for this view and challenge the idea of an inevitable globalization-induced race to the bottom in social spending. But as data from Table 2 suggests us, although expenditure patterns over recent years have been broadly convergent, the trend is not, in fact, towards the bottom, but towards generally higher levels of spending and a greater salience of offbeat state objectives.Although in some continental countries, like Denmark, Netherlands, Italy etc. rose solitary(prenominal) modestly, or even decrease. In U.K and USA increase of Gini Coefficient remains as the highest, close to 8%. According to IMF trends in income inequality across advanced economies have been quite contrasting. In the United States, which started out with a relatively high degree of income inequality, it has increased even further. However, other countries with initially low levels of income inequality, including Denmark, France and the Netherlands, saw some further decline.The impact of globalization on social policy can be seen in both developed and developing countries. Globalization at itself suggest that transnationalisation of production exerts pressure on states to reduce the point of taxes and regulations on firms. While this reduces financial and compliance burden on firms, it also erodes the states fiscal and organizational capacity to maintain the wel colde state. Second, it is argued that generous welfarebenefits stifle work incentives which gradually undermine an economys international competitiveness. Governments are, as a result, obliged to keep benefits in check and preferably reduced in order to maintain international compe titiveness. Third, concern for the investors sentiments leads governments to focus on balance of payment, inflation and fiscal attention because governments that do not sufficiently address these concerns find their nations shunned by business, which dampens economic growth, which in turn undermines voters support for the government.As a result, governments can no longer boost their economy through expansionary social and economic investment measures and must instead rely on promotion of international trade and investment, which serves the interests of business more than the society at large. Globalization enters the shipway in which the content of social policy and the distribution of welfare are shaped by governmental and nongovernmental organizations responding not only to domestic issues and sources of pressure but also to circumstances, events, and developments in other countries the policies of foreign governments, international organizations, and financial institutions and the decisions and activities of overseas headquarters.In essence, then, globalization draws attention to the ways in which societies, economies, and polities including labor markets and welfare systems of different countries are entangled in one another. All this is effecting in lowering social and labor standards, as well as shifting public services (like heath-care and education), to privatization and existence on global market. Thats why issues with which social policy is concerned to the level of supranational institutions, agencies, and forums, both world-regional (e.g. EU) and global (WB etc) are raised.ConclusionIn my assignment I examined the interconnections between globalization and social policy. I have seen that globalization is a complex process, and that globalization studies displays a range of theoretical, ideological, and political perspectives. Summing up influence of globalization is taking different directions, what is mostly depended by the stage of developme nt and character of country. Social problems ranging from famine to floods, from pollution to poverty, and from rural depopulation to urban overcrowding are commonly cited examples of the many invidious effectsof globalization on social welfare. Conversely, globalization is trumpeted as being central to many developmental successes, such as poverty reduction, increasing economic prosperity, better services, and enhanced concern with human rights. Even those who are skeptical of the benefits globalization has brought so far may point to the ways in which it has the potential to transform political, economic, and social relations within and between countries to the benefit of human welfare worldwide.Globalization brings new potentials for development and wealth creation. But there are divergent views and perceptions among people as concerns its economic and social impact, and indeed widely varying impacts on the interests and opportunities of different sectors and economic and social actors. Some argue that the present model of globalization has increased problems of unemployment, inequality and poverty, while others contend that globalization helps to reduce them. In my opinion, these problems predated globalization, but it is clear that for globalization to be politically and economically sustainable, it must contribute to their reduction. Hence the future goal of a globalization is meeting needs of all people.ReferencesEdwards, R. 2000. Globalisation and Pedagogy Space, Place and individualism. London, UK RoutledgeFalmer,Giddens, A. 2001. Introduction in The Global Third Way Debate, Cambridge.Hill M., 2006. Social Policy in the Modern World, Blackwell PublishingJackson A. Globalization and progressive social policySheila L. Croucher. 2004. Globalization and Belonging The Politics of Identity in a Changing World. Rowman & Littlefield. p.10http//

Monday, May 20, 2019

Globalization and Its Affects

Globalization is the process of growing integration of economies and societies around the world. It refers to frugal globalisation throughtrade,foreign direct investment, capital flows,migration and the open of technology. The principle of globalization is free markets, reduction of barriers in exchanging and affair goods,which makesthe specialization in export-import. However, globalization has not only positive, butalsonegative lay outs.Firstly,itisnecessary to discover that globalizationmakesour societydevelop. It helps to sh be ideas and innovations. Globalizationhas an squeeze on economic growth in the world. An invasion of Foreign Direct Investment on economic growth has had a positive growth effect in wealthy countries andhas led to an increasein trade resulting in higher growth rates. On the other hand, many firms from create countries outsourced their manufacturing to so-called third world countries, wherethe labourcosts arelow.Workers from developed countries arenot happy about that, because they feel thattheir jobs aretaken from them. Another problem of globalization and outsourcing is that it encourages slavery and child labour. Further much, Iwouldlike to add that people become more social when thereareno borders between countries. They can move freely from state to state, share their ideas and beliefs. In chance(a) life we feel an impact of globalization as wecanenjoy foreign cuisines, music, art, movies or scour learn foreign languages.However, globalizationcauseshuge damage to national culture, because weare greatly influenced bymore developed countries and we cannotresist it. Itisknownthat globalization is about sharing novelties. Medicine and health careareimproving all the time. Globalization helps doctors and scientists from all over the world share ideas and even work together sothatthey can reach better results and make new discoveries. However, globalizationis thought to have contributed to thespreadofdiseases, especially AIDS .When it appeared intheUSA, it was known just in some African states. Owing to the processof globalization and colonization,ithasspread in the whole world. On balance, globalization is spreading rapidly incontemporaryworld. It improves economictiesbetween countries and helps to createabarrier-free trading system. Although ithas beneficialinfluenceoneconomy, globalization makesan adverseimpact on culture and traditions.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sase study on target disaster in Sanada Essay

decision maker SUMMARYGlobalisation had an increasingly signifi stinkpott imp turn on global commercialiseing. As the speak to and complexness of operating in oerseas market has been reduces by globalisation, more and more markets are now bonny open to international organization. This strategy has resultanted into increased market disceptation which in turn increasing the wideness of effective international marketing. Most of the companies want to explore themselves in international market rather than bonnie a player in a long held domestic market. All in all(prenominal), this paper aims at explaining and defining the strategies through which international organizations great deal adapt to the ever ever-changing environment, tastes and preferences of customers and policies through which the company can ensure successful business operations in the global market. . In launch to capture international market, the prey Corporation also enter into Canada to win more and more buyers as a result more profits. Despite stern being a successful player in neighbour sylvan of America, precisely fails to attract customers in Canada. stain got so some(prenominal) big competitors in Canada and competes with impostal and off-price world(a) merc grantise retail merchants, apparel retail merchants, internet retailers, wholesale clubs, category specific retailers, drug injects, supermarkets and other forms of retail commerce. send fails to explore itself in canada which can be easily disclosen by understanding the case study of place DISASTER CANADA.BACKGROUNDIn 1881, native new-sprung(prenominal) Yorker George D. Dayton decides to explore the growing Midwest markets. After many years in banking and real estate, Dayton decides Minneapolis offers the strongest opportunities for growth. He purchases land on Nicollet Avenue and forms the Dayton Dry Goods Companytoday, cognize as gull Corporation. He became a partner in Goodfellows Dry Goods Company, the fourth largest surgical incision store in Minneapolis, Minn. The following year, showing greater involvement, Dayton took sole ownership of the store and became the archetypal prexy of the freshly named Dayton Dry Goods Company. In 1911 because of the rapid growth, The Dayton Company reflected its wideassortment of goods and returns. It was started to be known as Daytons department store. On May 1, 1962, laughingstocks jump store was opened with a grand opening in Roseville, Minn. It was taken as a new idea in entailment stores. Tar produce distinguished itself from other retail stores by joining many of the trounce department stores features care fashion, quality and services with low prices. By the end of 1962, Target opened its surplus locations in St. Louis Park, Crystal and Duluth, Minn.In 1966 Target opened its first stores startside Minnesota in the capital of Colorado metro area.In 1969 Dayton Corporation seams forces with the J.L. Hudson Company of Detroit to cre ate the Dayton-Hudson Corporation. The two companies had parallel merchandising values of secure to appearstanding corporate governance. After the uniting they establishes the corporation as i(a) of the 15 largest non-food retailers in the nation. In 1975 Target Stores becomes the No. 1 revenue manufacturer of the Dayton-Hudson Corporation. In the mid-1980s, manufacturers began to test and implemented the UPC bar-code packaging technology. In 1988, Target became the first form of merchandiser to usher UPC scanning at all Target stores and talking to Centres In July 2001 Target Stores licensed a main landmark as a national retailer after opening its 1,000th store. Guests were having 1000 reasons to celebrate with a greater selection of style and value in more locations. 2004 Associated Merchandising Company is renamed Target Sourcing Services.In 2005 For the first time, Target exceeds $50 billion in annual sales and In 2007 Target Corporation presents the Target Check Card.In 2013 continuing the tradition of Targets strategy philosophy that great design should be reasonable and transcendable to all Target Canada teams up with its first VENTURING IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETThere are numerous factors that urged Target to go worldwide and expand its business operations outside the Australia. One factor can be that Target had reached its maximum in U.S and there was no further room for improvement and expansion and competition was very high. Target Canadas main rival in thediscount store category was Walmart magic spell there was also competition with supermarket chains such as Loblaws, Metro, and Sobeys (despite having an understanding with express grocer), and other retailers such as Costco, Sears Canada, Canadian Tire, and Shoppers Drug Mart. One concept that Target had while going in Canada was that it had harming strategies because of which it succeeded in U.S and it go forth achieve success in any part of world. Target opened first store in Canada in 2013 and within one year it success amply expanded to 130 stores in all over Canada. The local success factor of Target was its economical prices as approach returns is the study part of its strategy, Cost advantage strategy is companys ability to lower its cost base by low-cost labor, low-cost sourcing, economies of scale in proceedsion, efficiency (Lasserre, 2012).Large volume sales, and the provide chain was also excellent scarcely this was normal because U.S was the home for target and these factors were easily controllable by Target. But in Canada it was non so efficient in its operations because of transportation cost, distribution costs and the fuel costs were higher, wage rates vary across the country, the tax rates are contrasting, cost of goods are different. The approach of Canadians plus their polish mostly favors the medium, and small sized retailers who know inside out of the complex labor laws, the distribution systems that are multi layered and restricted business hours in the country but even though they have big retailers like K-Mart as well. It was difficult for Target to succeed in Canada because they didnt study the Canadian preferences and culture in depth and one main factor can be the low commitment of the expatriates. Target usually focus on its low prices and have an go on because of that but in Canada this thing didnt worked much because of the fact that Canadians when they were buying low priced wares they were concerned virtually the quality of the product they were buying and its also non so golden to trust a new business chain easily. ENTRY IN CANADIAN MARKETTargets entry into Canada became a game changing event for Canadian retailing, and shook the industry to its very representations. On January 13, 2011, the announcement was made that within two years of time, Target Corporation is come in into Canadian market for the first time. The target corp took over Canadian leases for zellers stores owned by hudsons b ay co,one of the north America oldest company. The lease agreement was signed between target corporation and hudsons bay co of leasing up to 220 zellers stores for C$1.825 billion. Target opens its first Canadian store in March 2013 by acquiring the leaseholds of 189 locations with intent to use one hundred twenty-five stores of these sites to open target stores. Further, target precaution anticipated that by 2017, the Canadian target chain will grew into more than 150 stores. The first store of target was opened in the Toronto area and their entry had budge Canadian retail and the Canadian real estate industry, from coast to coast. The strategy of target while introduction into Canada was not a unique strategy. It was simply unprecedented for a retailer to come to Canada and open so many stores at once but target successfully executed its strategy correctly.Target management team expected to get more than CAD $6 billion from its annual sales in Canada. Target acquired its wareh ouse located near Quebec b prescribe near Calgary. Target hired eleven points logistics and a subsidiary of Pittsburgh based Genco, to run its three warehouses in Canada. Each warehouse covers around 1.5 million material feet which is almost similar to 26 American football fields In Canada, Target main rivals in the discount store category were Walmart and Costco as well as competition with supermarket chains such as Loblaws, Metro, and Sobeys. The consumers were pretty excited about target stores coming to Canada but targets opening foil consumers as Canadian shoppers were met with empty shelves, higher prices and different labels. Target acquired existing sites from Canadian discount retailer sellers and since the stores were not built with Target in attend, there were quirks, such as apparel being on the encourage floor of a store while the dressing room was on the ground floor. (Karabus, 2014)PROBLEMS IN CANADARetailers setting up operations in Canada are quickly learning it isnt as easy as packing a bag and heading north. (G. Krystina, 2014). Following are some major difficultys pointed out by us, 1 The supply chain disasterWhen target was opening its first store in Canada, the chief executive, Gregg Steinhafel told its investors that he was happy the way his workers and systems were handling the soak up. But things were way different from whateveryone expected. The major problem was found in the supply chain as goods reached the warehouses very quickly but were unable to reach the stores as there was a mismatching between the barcodes on the items and that on the computer system. For instance, when the shirts arrived and checked 12 shirts per box, the system was showing 24. The cause of such errors is not clear. As a result of the inconsistency between the goods and the computer, the goods in the stores were piled up thus leading to a chain reaction of delays. The target canda story will go down in history books as on eof the great supply chain dis asters of Canadian history. (M. Allison, H. Solarina & T. Susan, 2014) 2 The adoption of U.S store cultureTarget Canada has been described as a botched effort to foolishly run a Canadian operation with American executives. A management level employee from target Canada express in a report that the expatriates or the international assignees were sent by the United States for a hold period to help in the setting up of the stores and how to team for success. On the contrary, the assignees were found as obstacles quite of guides. Canada is demographically and regionally different from United States on a large scale. The expatriates adapted the same U.S store culture rather for team members and customers rather than adapting according to the Canadian tastes and culture. Stores were left with empty shelves the managers restrained the employees from re fulfilling them. Items which were call for could not be found and the items which were in less demand were available in abundance. For example, Barbie SUVs. basic items like milk, food or consumables which were always in demand were never available in the stores. 3 The catalogue and distribution problemAnother major problem was the store inventory and the distribution of the right product required or needed by a store. There were 3 national distribution centres to service the requirement and demands of around 124 stores. The stores had no idea what was loaded in trucks and what was present at the distribution centres. The employees apply to open a 54 foot trailer and would be scared whether the product required was present or not in the truck. To their bad luck, the product what was required, was never found in the trucks. Therefore, the stores had to stock and fill thebackrooms. 4 Failure to compel to change their habitsTarget failed to change the shopping habits of the customers. The stores couldnt compel to attract the customers with the items which were present in the stores. For example, items like milk, eg gs and bacon could not be replaced with apparel. The customers got highly dissatisfied as what they were sounding for was never found in the stores. 5 Reduction of staffAnother major problem go about was the significant reduction in the staff by the target headquarters in U.S around 40% of the staff was said goodbye by the senior leaders. Canadian culture emphasis more on customer service rather then self-service. Slowly and slowly the staff started moving out as they were not satisfied with their jobs and also had a fear of being terminated anytime. Now the requirement for the best retail talent was undertaken. 6 Deadline to open storesAnother major problem approach by target was the renovation of 124 stores and that too in one years time as all the major landlords did not allow to close the stores for such a long time. With unfurnished stores and stiffed penalties, there was a deadline to make the stores fully operational. Therefore, seed were sown way before even the opening o f first store was done. CONCLUSIONTarget Canada is an unmitigated disaster. From the customers to investors to the companys executive agree about the wrong strategies followed by Target. In the second quarter, Target lost around US$200 million. Target was having a tough competition with Walmart and Costco. Canadian apply to cross the border into the United States on shopping diversions, Target was a prime last but when it came to Canada the magic somehow vanished. The main reason why customers do not prefer to go into target stores in Canada was the determine policy as well as supply chain delays by Target. The consumers who had already shopped at target stores in the U.S anticipated the same low price but the prices of the impudently open target in Canada outlets were higher than in the U.S target. In justification to pricing policy, the management said that the prices are higher because of higher rates for transformation,wages, taxes, duties, and cost of goods. Whereas the sa me goods and products are offered by the competitor at comparatively low prices. The cause of targets stumble in its first foreign excursion is the wrong policies of opening 124 stores in a new market within months. Most foreign retailers launch with a smaller number of stores thats where Target took on a very big altercate which leads to its failure. Inventory problem have often lead to empty shelves and many of the stylish, exclusive brands what Canadian see in targets American stores did not come to Canada. what is more, the announcement regarding arrival of the target in Canada was made 2 years before so the competitors had enough time to plan their strategies accordingly. Analysis1. ineffectual to understand the Canadian tastes and cultureThe target failed to understand and appreciate that though Canada and u.s. are closely link but there was a huge difference between the tastes and the culture. This means that the company should have silent the culture, the likes and dislik es and the dos and donts of Canadian people rather than assuming that what tastes and culture is going in U.S, will go the same way in Canada too. It is hard for target to succeed in Canada until and unless it does not understand its culture. This could be seen there was a loss of 1 billion dollars in the very first year. 2. Failed to carry risk analysisThe company failed to carry the risk analysis and opened 124 stores in one go. It was a huge risk which it carried. Target should have a different strategy before entering in Canadian markets. The customer demands, pricing polies, differences in the wages, all these factors should have been kept in mind before venturing in Canada. Moreover, the renovation of 124 stores and that too in such a short period of one year was a major risk which the company took.3. Supply chain failureThe company faced a major problem in the supply chain, what was needed was not available. The mismatching of the barcodes and the computer systems, etc, was a major hurdle in letting the products goes to the right place.Demand was more and supply was equally there but of the products which were not required. Tonnes of products were kept in the backrooms with empty shelves in the stores. This led to customer dissatisfaction as the customers never found what they wanted. Target tried to change the customers tastes by offering products which could not be used on daily basis but gradually it failed. RECOMMENDATIONSIn order to get successful in Canada, the Target corporation has not focus on its new entry strategy in the country. joystick Ventures or AcquisitionsOne entry strategy that the company can think off in order to capture major share in retail market is joint venture or mergers and learning with other retail companies. A joint venture is a business agreement in which different companies deal with each other and agree to come up with new asset or entity by giving mutual equity. It basically means that company will share the assets, expenses and revenues of the company. The other policy is merger and acquisition. Acquisition basically means an act of acquiring an existing company and recognizing its own. On the other hand merger means combining forces with another company and seeing it as one. This strategy can act well for Target as this companys already exist there and The attitude of Target plus their culture only favours the medium, and small sized retailers who know inside out of the complex travail laws, the distribution systems , the supply chain that are multi layered and restricted business hours in the country. This would limit the risks associated in entering a new environment as the existing company are already known with it and can initiate the company in the new environment. Environmental and Strategic Analysis ToolsIn order to get successful, the other factor that target corporation must consider is to take a accomplished environmental analysis on the whole country. Studying about the environm ental analysis of the country is historic as it it helps in analysing, determining the strategies, risk associated in entrering that country, political economical and social well-being of the country. Moreover it also helps in analysing the tastes and preferences of the customers. In Canada, most of the year is cold so demand for warm uniform and warm products will be preferable. The target corporation needsto work out on the pricing strategy. Pricing policy is an act of the company by which they determines the wholesale and retail prices for its product or services. A good pricing strategy is the one which aims at optimise prices for the products typically including overall marketing objectives, consumer demand, product attributes, competitors pricing and market and economic trends. The Target Corporation needs to look on all these issues as the foremost reason of failure of target was higher prices of products in Canada than America. In order to capture market of Canada, the com pany can make use of strategic analysis tool i.e. PESTEL. Its meaning is analysing the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and statutory environmental factors which touch on the growth and establishment of the company. Another tool which company can use to get triumphant and to get desired result or profits is using the policy or surmise of SWOT. Basically, SWOT recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of entering into a new country and identifies both internal and external factors touching an organization.REFERENCESButler, H. N. (1988). Corporation-Specific Anti-Takeover Statutes and the Market for Corporate Charters. Wis. L. Rev., 365 Contemporary strategic management an Australasian perspective. Brisbane Wiley. Lasserre, P. (2012). Global strategic management (3rd ed.). New York Palgrave Macmillian. Oster, S. M. (1999). Danbolt, J. (2004). Target Company Crossborder Effects in Acquisitions into the UK. European Financial Management, 10(1), 83-108. Forsey, M., Davies, S., & Walford, G. (2008). The Globalisation of domesticate Choice?. In Symposium Books. Symposium Books. PO Box 204, Didcot, Oxford, OX11 9ZQ, UK. (G. Krystina, 2014)(Karabus, 2014)(M. Allison, H. Solarina & T. Susan, 2014)Mayrhofer, U. (2004). International market entry does the home country affect entry-mode decisions?. Journal of International Marketing, 12(4), 71-96.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Pulse Polio

flash acute anterior infantile paralysis Pulse Polio is an immunization campaign established by the government of India in 1995-96 to eradicate poliomyelitis (polio) in India by vaccinating all children under the age of five years against polio virus. This get off deals with the ways to fight poliomyelitis through a large scale immunization programme, co-operating with various global institutions, state governments and Non Governmental Organizations. In India, vaccination against Polio started in 1978 with Expanded Program in immunisation (EPI). By 1984, it was successful in covering around 40% of all infants, giving 3 doses of trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine to each.In 1985, the Universal Immunization Program (UIP) was launched to cover all the districts of the country. UIP became a part of child safe and option motherland program (CSSM) in 1992 and Reproductive and Child Health Program (RCH) in 1997. This program take to a significant increase in coverage, up to 95 %. The number of reported cases of polio besides declined from 28,757 during 1987 to 3,265 in 1995. In 1995, following the Polio Eradication Initiative of World Health Organization (1988), India launched Pulse Polio Immunization Program along with Universal Immunization Program which aimed at 100% coverage.In 2012, India was say promiscuous of polio by WHO. Key objectives The Pulse Polio Initiative (PPI) aims at covering every individual in the country. It aspires to reach steady children in remote communities through an improved social militarization plan. 1 Not a single child should miss the immunization, leaving no chance of polio occurrence. Cases of great Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) to be reported in time and stool specimens of them to be collected inside 14 days. Outbreak Response Immunization (ORI) to be conducted as early as possible. Maintaining high aim of surveillance. Performance of good mop-up operations where polio has disappeared. India to be polio-free by 2005. 1 Steps involved Setting up of booths in all parts of the country. 1 Initializing walk-in cold rooms, freezer rooms, deep freezers, ice-lined refrigerators and cold boxes for ensuring steady sum up of vaccine to booths. Arranging employees, volunteers and vaccines. Ensuring vaccine vial monitor on each vaccine vial. Immunizing children with OPV on National Immunization Days. Identifying missing children from immunization process. Surveillance of efficacy. Study of its success State specific cases-1The Gujarat case- In 1998, in Bhavnagar district of Gujarat, immunization officers reported that 98 children out of the total of 2,000 missed the vaccine. Health workers were low gear prevented from coming to village. Later, when the booths were established and the program did start, lot of parents did not bring their children to the booth. According to them, children from their village developed polio-paralysis even after the immunization. The Bengal Case-2 Health officers, who visited th e village in West Bengal, saw utter discontent amongst the people as they stated that two children contracted the virus after the vaccine.In another instance, parents of a two-and-a-half-year-old child who developed cellulites in the heel were convinced that it had been caused by the vaccine that was given to their child a week before. The doctor who gave the vaccine was forced to pay the entire amount for the childs treatment. Therefore, the reasons for non-compliance by the people can be anything from lack of attitude to lack of awareness, from vaccinating an ill child to apprehension about the side-effects of polio drops (including fever, spare motion, death, infertility etc. 3 It is found out that poor participation of doctors and nurses, difficulty in maintaining and procuring vaccine, difficulty in procuring vehicles, inadequate support from community members are also reasons why the program has not been completely successful. 4 India free of polio 2012 The last reported case of polio in India was in West Bengal on January 13, 2011. 5 On 25 February, 2012, India was officially struck off the list of polio-endemic countries by the World Health Organization (WHO). 6

Friday, May 17, 2019

International Travel Essay

No matter how much you read ahead of time, youll be confronted with culture and custom that you are unprepared for. The farther removed the culture is from your own, the much you can remain to be surprised. Novice travelers will struggle with the basics incessantlyything from getting a cab to finding a public bath means can offer a challenge. Veteran travelers will be more guarantee with the petite stuff and that may offer them a firm-enough foundation to give them the confidence to try the more challenging things.That is where we were on our recent adoption trip to China Veteran third-time travelers who were confi wampum that we could do anything and get right in. Our trip to the real Chinese restaurant taught us differentwise. It was our second week in China. We were at that place with our two previously adopted Chinese children, ages ten and eleven, and wed just added a new family member. She was a new young lady, age twelve, and she spoke non a word of English. Things h ad been going very well, and our new daughter was really fitting in seamlessly. This being our third trip, we felt pretty cocky.We snickered superb-naturedly as first-time travelers bashfully peeked tabooside the doors of the hotel onto the Chinese thoroughfare. They might make a run for the McDonalds now and again, or go all the look up the block to KFC, besides actually heading stunned into the big city, sans guide, was not on their bucket list for the time being. That was not for us. We decided that wed all head come out(a) to an authentic local restaurant, the sort frequented by the Chinese quite an than by westerners the type with plastic curtains rather than doors a restaurant with no western influences beyond the ubiquitous presence of Coca-Cola products.Three hungry children herded in the midst of us, my wife and I set out to find just the right place. We headed out the less-frequently-used rear take in of Guangzhous China Hotel, which spilled out onto the broad Pa nfu Avenue, a typical busy main thoroughfare. It was filled with small shops and stalls, looking shabby and temporary to Western eyes, though in reality, permanent affectionatenesss of street commerce. We wound our way through typical robust foot traffic, straining to keep the kids together amidst the crowds.We passed up several restaurants oddment to the hotel in an effort to separate ourselves from the tourist-oriented places, but several blocks away we came upon the Liushen Xiguan restaurant, which translates roughly as Traditions of the Six Gods restaurant. It was turn in gold paint, trimmed with red cloth, and several queen-sized Buddhas smiled at us as they stood observation post on the sidewalk. The wall in the entryway was covered with awards given by the local of chamber of commerce, and as an added benefit, the awards to each one offered a picture of the winning dish.Velvet padded bamboo chairs lined the wall in the time lag area. Peeking through the windows, we cou ld see that the eat area was enormous. Such a place was likely to make up good food, was clearly worth a stop. It was 450 when we asked to be seated, but oddly, the dining room was puritanic and the hostess desk was empty as were the tables. No table cloths or place settings were to be seen, and the chairs were upended and academic term atop the tables. A hostess apprehensively approached us to talk. After much arm flapping and book gesturing, we came to understand that the restaurant would not open until five P.M, although we could not see how it would do so. Not a soul was to be seen besides the hostess, and nothing was prepared for customers. We began to cave in second thoughts and we started to wonder if wed see the hour that service would start. We decided to wait for a bit, if only to rest. At the stroke of five the lights came on to illuminate a dozen employees rushing from the kitchen, bearing ornate livery for the tables, and tools of the trade for the hungry guests. The dining space went from abandoned warehouse to friendly, well-lit, white linen appareled eatery in a matter of moments. at a time seated, we began to notice differences from what we expected in a restaurant. Soup bowls appeared, as well as a pot of tea, tea cups, and a large empty ceramic bowl. We watched the other tables to see what use our swearing diners would have for the bowl. Some diners were watching us. Perhaps they didnt know what to make of the empty bowl every? More likely, they were wondering what a couple of Americans were doing here staring at them too. Other diners were taking the cups, bowls, and spoons and laundry them in the tea, using a rather practiced method. The used tea was discarded into the empty bowl.I wasnt sure if this meant we needed to do our own dishes, or if it was simply a custom. To be on the safe side, we started washing. I noticed curious grins. Was I doing it wrong? Did we appear like children playing in a wading pool? Unblemished by the be mused stares, we toweled ourselves dry, and with confidence in the cleanliness of our place settings, we delve into the menu. There were thirty pages of menu items. Many had pictures and some had English translations, though mostly the translations read pork and vegetables in sauce or Chicken with vegetables in sauce.While Im authentic that was accurate, it was of little value in helping us to choose from amongst the twenty five varieties of Pork with vegetables in sauce. We struggled with the pictures and each made the best possible dinner choices we could, with a few appetizers added in. The waitress took our place promptly and returned in a few minutes with my meal, and nothing else. No appetizers. No other orders. exclusively mine. She placed it in the center of the table and left(a). My meal was far larger than I expected. In fact, it was large enough to feed us all. Suddenly we grasped what we had missed.The table top was essentially an enormous lazy Susan. It appeared th at we would be eating family style. Other tables were sharing food as well, so we set out to share the barbecued pork I had ordered. A few moments later the next meal appeared, and shortly thereafter, the next, and then the next, each meal large enough to feed a family of five. Even the items wed been led to believe were appetizers seemed enormous. ahead long, we had enough food for forty people. There was so much, that the server was barely able to find room for the last steaming bowl of fried rice.Ive been to weddings that served less food than wed purchased. We were clearly the center of attention now as we made an effort to at least put a dent in the spread we were responsible for. The pictures didnt do the food justice, nor were they worth the thousands words Id so often been promised. The fried rice was filled with boldly colored fresh carrots, peas and sprouts, and those turned out to be the only vegetables on the table that we easily recognized. We were served steamed and p an-fried dumplings, bursting with juices and filled with meat stuffing.There was a whole roasted chicken, the bright yel let loose color of a school bus. When I say whole, I mean it. Chicken in China often comes with feet, head and beak attached. It appeared that our dinner had walked straight from the barnyard to the oven. A second chicken was served in pieces which had the bright red color of a fire engine. Both birds were zesty and offered bold flavor, the yellow one having been seasoned with a curry and the red one more of a peppery spice. The seafood dish seemed a bit more tentacle-filled than we were used to, and it went largely unloved.I still have no clue to this day what was in it, though I will admit that the description fish with vegetables in sauce seemed unerringly accurate. Our crisp pork on a platter seemed straightforward. No sauce or vegetables, though I could swear that the translation of the dish said they were included. Our meal was rounded out by a course of te a smoked duck. The dark meat had been roasted over a tea leaf fueled fire and had a deep rich flavor. After some of our other mis-translations, I would not have been surprised to have had it served in a pipe for actual smoking, but it wound up being the best part of the meal.I do hope it was duck though. We left a great deal of food on the table. In very American fashion, we asked for containers to take the rest food for thirty prickle to our hotel. That doesnt seem to be the norm in China, but we jam-packed up our bags and loaded up with more victuals than a United Nations food convoy. I was interested intimately the cost, but for all the entertainment that our endeavors provided for the patrons, perhaps they should have paid us. The price was thankfully low bless you generous exchange rate. One last problem appeared. The tip.It is abuseing to over tip in China. After having the experience of being publicly chastised by a cab driver for over tipping, I was leery. Loaded down as we were, there could be no quick escape should I insult the staff with too many Yuan, or too few. The Six Gods must have been watching out for us though. The older hostess (manager, cook, waitress, cashier no real idea) took pity on me and selected a banknote to leave as a gratuity. It was far less than I would have chosen. Id have given her double that just for getting me out with my remaining dignity intact.We wound our way back to the hotel, filled with a good meal, good stories, and a good deal of new knowledge about how things are done in China. I mentioned the experience to our guide, who filled in a few of the mindless spots. He was happy to hear that we were treated well by the local people. I was happy for the experience. A few days later, we coaxed some other group members to come out with us to the restaurant. We displayed our dining skills for them without ever mentioning the difficulties with which they were acquired. After all, that is how veterans maintain their my stique.